
Racist and sick beyond belief!

By Stanley Collymore
First you tell me, and not very convincingly I must say,
that you think you’re in love with me. Then adding
gross insult to what from my own perspective is
a most egregious injury you proceeded quite
unconcernedly for you it appeared to me, to similarly
tell me that any proposed relationship of a serious
character between you and me would not in the
slightest favourably be regarded by either of
your parents but rather predominantly so
your mum with whom, and I’m trying
my very hardest here to convey this
judgement of mine diplomatically,
you unquestionably, even at the
grown age of twenty five, have
not managed to free yourself
from the navel cord, which
your mummy completely
and rather controllingly
suppresses you with!
And as if all that wasn’t in itself enough she has also
further demanded that were you to ill-advisedly
go ahead and marry me, assuming, of course,
that I was so stupid as to accept your condescending
offer of matrimony, you would then specifically
have no children by me. But because your
mummy wanted grandchildren sired by
you, she conceitedly informed me,
who were societally recognized
and accepted as legitimate
and therefore not regarded as bastard
offspring, she would personally
and scrupulously search for
and sizeably, financially
remunerate a suitable
Caucasian woman
both to provide
an assortment
of her eggs as well as diligently
and permanently maintain
her strictest silence
on this matter.
Whereupon these eggs of hers would be fertilized
by your sperm and the successful embryos
afterwards placed in my womb for me
to carry full term, and likewise
deceitfully, as though I was their real and not
their surrogate mother, give birth to them.
And on the pertinent issue of these
children’s white physical and
racial complexion being
apparent after they
were born, my obvious light-skinned
pigmentation would ostensibly be
naturally passed off by your
mother, father and their
family, presumably,
as Spanish-Iberian
and not what I
essentially am – a proud,
self-confident and an
absolutely Afro–
© Stanley V. Collymore
9 January 2020.

Author’s Remarks:
In racist Britain this situation is not as far-fetched as, at first, it might seem, with occurrences of such activities actually taking place or furtive attempts routinely made to achieve such sick undertakings rather commonplace, as anecdotal knowledge, personal circumstances brought to my attention and also independent research have conclusively confirmed.

This poem: “Racist and sick beyond belief” therefore is factually based and involves two Afro-Caribbean women whom I know exceptionally well. One was a postgraduate student with me at university, the other a close family member. Both of these females are British born.

Contemptuously dismissing the sick and racist overtures made to them by those involved, both women rapidly and sensibly dumped the feckless, British white men they’d previously and individually been involved with; later found themselves suitable partners highly and demonstrably compatible with their own specific moral and human right credentials, and are now both happily married with well-adjusted and progressively-thinking children of their own.


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