
Selective Outrage! A state of affairs rather relevant to the devised Palestinian Nakba!

By Stanley Collymore
If we’re not very careful– and it’s
crucially intelligent people who
I’m very specifically referring
to– the newspapers and essentially the
white western media generally, literally
in tandem, with the rather like-minded
distinctively well-heeled; self-entitled,
privileged, discernibly unquestionably
undeniably self-serving monarchical
as well as other distinctly hereditary
naturally delusional, social climbing
toffs, along with their full entourage
of the customary dimwitted, proven
intellectually challenged, effectively
brainwashed, and actually naturally
undoubtedly brain-dead supportive
plebeian sycophants, will have you
too, hating the people who’ve been
and still are quite recurringly being
oppressed, while noticeably loving
those who’re literally amorally, and
barbarically, doing the oppressing!
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
22 October 2023.

Author's Remarks:
This is precisely what happens when ignorant and as well utterly self-serving, self-centred and perniciously avaricious cretins preach their equally distorted and specifically lying version of events whilst obdurately remaining either oblivious to, or deliberately and uncaringly so to genuinely established and easily proven historical facts.

#Hypocrisy #Stupidity

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