
Stupidity– The ingrained idiots clear alternative to every intelligent person’s own Mensa approach!

By Stanley Collymore
An absolute human calamity! But
which, however, comes more
naturally to some people
than effectively the automatic capacity
of such individuals, naturally breathing
instinctively. Why is this? Well, actually
essentially, because this literally firmly
entrenched state of affairs, distinctive
with such individuals, and doubtlessly
self-evidently an effectively, obviously
enormously devastating travesty very
distinctively as it crucially pertains to
and likewise too basically effects the
wider echelons of everyday humanity
is invariably and rather devastatingly,
although not literally, unquestionably
actually exclusively so, principally to
do with the obvious luck of the draw
naturally and clearly rather relatively
to their very own crucially biological
origin although empirically that isn’t
always clear with hardcore morons!
Yet, undeniably, there is no cure
seemingly for this endemically
and clearly ingrained travesty
of human behaviour that can obviously
effectively readily cause anything from
odiously, deliberately induced famines,
their attendant poverty and essentially
recurrent rather devastatingly political
instability to heartless and undeniably
very unintelligently provoked conflicts
galore; themselves clearly matchingly
pursuant, very fittingly of course, with
simply diabolically, devastating wars!
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
5 September 2023.

Author's Remarks:
Interestingly, isn't it absolutely basically commonplace how some of the clearly most stupid individuals, very personally as well as collectively, simply and really rather tediously basically quite often so acutely ostentatiously and undoubtedly as it significantly so naturally invariably happens with the differing monarchical, so-called royals; likewise too their quite equally laughably hereditarily produced societally born, elite adjutants; toxically verminous nepotistic sidekicks and as well their combined surfeit of distinctly and equally, embarrassing sycophants!

People, who're either actually incapable of, or wouldn't recognize the truth, were it to inadvertently land on their crucially unquestionably categorically, obviously biased and never-endingly supremacist indoctrinated, proverbial faces. Largely because they're intellectually, distinctly incapable of naturally recognizing, and similarly intellectually conclude, what's right from wrong; a state of affairs that is evidently, very conducively beneficial for unquestionably effectively basically and intellectually challenged perceived rulers, exercising their controlling roles over their proletariat masses of simply gullible sycophants, while undoubtedly collectively residing rather happily, but also unquestionably quite delusionally in their entrenched and, manifestly so, avidly maintained space of far-fetched denial.


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