
The Incomparable Abby Martin!

By Stanley Collymore
You are the voice of reason and the spur of common sense;
someone who pricks the consciences - courageously and
informatively so - of even the most apathetic, truculent or
diehard morons while at the same time imbuing within minds
recurrently overlaid with dumbed-down, corporate mass
media mediocrity given to dishonestly masquerading
as an enlightened insight of reality when in actual
fact they’re not, what’s really happening in this
world we live in; effectively and honestly
explaining what’s criminally wrong set
against what’s virtuously right.
A shrewd yet young head then, endowed with a most
perceptive brain and sitting quite influentially not only atop
sagacious shoulders but also the most alluringly beautiful
and appealing of feminine frames. And who is this
Godsend to the alternative airwaves that I’m
praiseworthily talking about? Why, you
already know without any doubt that there can only
be one person of whom I’m speaking; and that
is, of course, the incomparable Abby Martin!
© Stanley V. Collymore
21 March 2013.


Brilliance personified!

#AbbyBreaking-the-set #Martin #RT

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