
Wedged between a rock and a hard place

By Stanley Collymore
I unfailingly get up every working day and with usual
personal preliminaries out of the way responsibly
head off to the job that I fortunately have; as
I’ve a living to make, a family to provide
for and a roof to sustain over our heads. Not the
easiest of tasks at times I assure you but I’m
well aware that what I’m doing is utterly
imperative to our daily existence and
that of itself does appreciably help
to energetically focus my mind.
Surviving is what some of you might call it,
and basically when judged objectively
they’re absolutely right. But then
what other course of  action is
realistically open to a genuine, working
class individual like me outside of
perhaps unexpectedly winning
national the lottery? Other
than  for me to keep on
working as hard and
long as I reasonably can
in the earnest hope of
properly resolving
this problematic
obligation that
I’m firmly in.
© Stanley V. Collymore
6 November 2019.

Author’s Remarks:
Whatever definition one might attribute to work it is none the less an aspect of life that most of us, at one time or another, out of necessity, for fun, through coercion or some obligation or other get involved in. And consequently our expectations as well as our experiences of it will naturally be very varied.


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