
When will it occur to you prats – if ever – that you’ve been had?

By Stanley Collymore
Kate Middleton sorely missed
by the MSM, the pensioners
and the other sycophants?
Thank God for that! For what really, quite
relative to ordinary people, is essentially
there to be missed, about this distinctly
quite pathetic woman? The ludicrously
fake, joker smile; while she’s obviously
waving to those quite unquestionably,
simply discernibly, and fatuously very
brainwashed braindead serfs? Prime
lowlife morons who, with the simply
ardent contrivance, of the MSM, are
clearly, crucially implored to believe
that this naturally obsessive stalker
and inured gold digger, is obviously
now, not only simply indispensable
but also a saint? All this, bearing in
mind, that rather noticeably before
Meghan’s arrival on the scene and
the onset of a clearly malevolently
egregious, and a really, thoroughly
contrived racist campaign against
her, the same Kate Middleton was
suitably, fittingly characterized, by
the same MSM, and similarly now
converted serf devotees as Waite
Katie the likewise addicted social
climber that she obviously still is!
But what a discernibly, significant
variation Racism truly makes, eh?
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
10 May 2024.

Author's Remarks:
Pernicious racism and the clearly ardent and distinctively so, delusional denial of its actual existence, are the real cancers that do essentially, endemically infect Britain systematically!

#Racism #Stupidity

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