

Here I am again
Where the road thins until it comes to a gradual end
and there is only dirt beneath my feet
and I look back and wonder
what happened to all of the
small moments
that made me
a very serious loss of drive or direction
I’m left suddenly looking for even a single option
and I look frantically try to find comfort
in the arms of serenity
which is constantly
not there for me
I’m looking in the wrong places now
a very serious grind upwards
a digging deep
this is not going to be fun
or sexy
but you are going to need to leave your comfort zone
the reality
fall approaching
one more month until september
will you finally be woken the fuck up
when september ends
or will you still be here
saying it’s whatever
with no direction?
the road thins out until I’m left at the end
looking back,
the sun sets
while telling me
I can’t be there for you anymore
and darkness creeps in
this time
in a more serious tone
than ever before
and for once
I am scared
I often think if it would all be easier
If I simply left
To have made a million
My life is tremendously screwed
