

in accent tongue

whére is my life?
Iz it under Freudian microscopes
Or fine linèn sheets?
Iz it above cumulonîmbûs cloüds
Or packed into social trøpes?
whére is my life?
Iz it breathing softly on the chilled car window
Or cooking in the vàt of factory oil?
Iz it calloused sarcasm on reality television
Or the too saccharin˙ whispers on the priest’s lip’s shadow.
whére is my life?
Iz it waxing with my indîfferent humor
Or waning with my˙ childhood ignorance?
Iz it blèssed when the Father blèsses it
Or endlessly cursed as the malignant tumor?
whére is my life?
why are questions so important
that we cry when they go unanswered?
why am i alone on this eve’
when warmth comes more from chàtter and less from the sún?


The accents are listed as such so you think about the words in specific ways and see images in specific ways.

Also, they slightly alter the pronunciation. But, I will get to that at a later time.

#FriendshipLove #Metaphor #Pretty #Questions
