

Consumes every inch of my body.
Taking over each sliver of essence I have left.
Covers all that is good like black soot.
Hurts like heartbreak.
Burns like fire.
Yet, it never dies.
It never disappears.
Anger is resilient and never faulting.
It is always there.
Forever near.
Hanging around.
Claiming what it does not own.
Fastened to me.
Glued to my life-force.
Drawing out every breath.
Sucking up all that is me.
Always there.
My own personal badge of vexation.
Blazing mad and crazy like a hatter.
It bleeds.
Seeping slowly into all that is beautiful and pure.
Permeating exquisiteness.
Waiting for that one chance
No matter how big or how small to..


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