
The best amongst them

I spit my bars for eons! Around 9 hundred and ninety something.
Chained to a dead man in a dungeon,
he couldn’t hear nothing.
Over night,
My messages of death brought him to life.
The nonliving’s quotations of the afterlife,
brought new insight
into what’s wrong or right.
Got chills to the bone,
But it felt just like home, I no loner felt alone.
I looked, we both have the same family crest.
We both worn it on our chest like a bullet proof vest.
He said, “Now comes your test even though your minds under duress, there is no time to rest, muster all of what you have left, into a context, to show your the best”.
I inhaled my breath, spectacular specs drawn up without missing a step,
Yes I see what they keep hidden from him.
That the same blood that runs in them, runs in him.
That’s all I will speak, of what was spoken then,
The dead poets crown him, the best amongst them.
all emotions blend
as I ascend.
I god amongst men when I pick up the pen.

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