
My Colors

The colors that I feel

My soda pop is purple
As a take another slurple
As cold as the Arctic circle
A nonverbal, rehearsal,
As I gently gurgle
My delicious Slurpee purple.
My shoes are neon green
Goofiest things I‘ve seen
As colorful as a jelly bean
A silly routine, must not intervene
In the dark they are seen
My glow in the dark shoes are green
My helmet is shinny tin foil
To protect my brains from a spoil
Shinning and reflecting  as I toil
With a little prairie soil and peppermint oil
I’m wound as tight as an ignition coil,
With my protective helmet of tin foil
My outside world is white
With snowflakes ending their flight
But I’m safe and warm alright,
Packing in tight a Snowman’s delight
The sun shining bright Painting  a winter land sight
The cold outside is white.
The inside my soul is blue
Like the music I listen to
As the can of my  Friday night brew
My plans have fell through, like a chocolate fondue
Well such is my point of view
My true love is brown
The most beautiful soul that I’ve found
Soft and warm as duck down
Dressed as a clown or in evening gown
Seldom caught with a frown
My beautiful love is brown
My future has hair of yellow
And personality so very mellow
With the atmosphere of a cello,
Soft as a pillow, goofy as Jello
The offspring of an odd fellow
My beautiful future of yellow
Daniel Templar  Jan 14 2014


To wife Abby and daughter Autumn


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