
Of The Old

Of The Old by David N. Donihue

The stern ones we would later appreciate
The soft we would later see as lazy or weak
The angry we would later see as insecure and pathetic
The loving we would later realize the power of their actions
The smart often revealed themselves to be soulless
And the soulless would later reveal
how strong we could be in their wake
The rich we only envied after we realized
their different sense of freedom
The poor we stopped judging once we lived as them
The religious tore us down
The spiritual helped us separate
faith from its fallen propagators
And as we looked up to the old
who refused to envy our youth
We feared the old who despised us for our youth
As we knew that they had given up on the future
And our optimism was like a mirror of their chosen defeat
In some cases the old got wiser
In other cases, wisdom had been reinvented by the young
And the lazy become filled with empty formulaic advice
Yet the loving never stopped listening
And those of the old, feel younger than the young

Of The Old by David N Donihue ©opyright 2023 all rights reserved

#lookingback #love #truth #understanding #whereyoucamefrom #Wiser

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