

Of The Young by David N Donihue

The hippies later became selfish and isolated
The punks lost their look and style and
without the branding, they just appeared bitter
The Christian kids who were once judgmental
slowly morphed to softened adults
The young converts did the opposite
Shielding themselves from regret
accusatory eyes
The jocks stayed jocks with subtle morphing
The joyous and boyish gave birth to the same.
The insecure and arrogant split
into a million subchapters
From those striving for happiness
to those simply avoiding misery
The pretty girls changed on the outside
Many remained the same within
But some mistakenly let the outer trash the inner
And the boys just pretended they couldn’t relate
The rock bands slowly but surely turned on each other
Revealing they were jocks all along
Genuineness was once to admit misery
And later the focus on the opposite
Would be the only thing that keeps us genuine

Copyright 2023 All rights reserved

#discernment #growing #growingup #smarter #wisdom

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