
Fonten'O's the place is buzzing

all of the xzylophones. zodeco
cosmos alone. we need more institution.
segregrate those nice from the ones causing confusion_a good person. for me to be one i have to jump into delusion.
where i learned right and wrong. i know this for certain.
(a pickle isn’t stuck in a pickle, used to be a stupid gerkin)
I don’t know who you think i am.
it is only you at stake. Shouln’t you give in. It’s time to start letting anyone else describe how it feels to be hurtin’.
My 2nd to last haircut ago the guy messaged me with one of those back wands. I felt like wtf at first. Y do i need to pay for this type of special haircut attention. Then i remembered. For the last four years i haven’t been touched. If i was, they had been paid. Bargained to never be again and mentioned

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