
4:51 a.m.

Lost in the sauce

In the mood to clear my mind, my thoughts and my soul
Lately it’s been a battle between my flesh and my spirit
The flesh.. wants to run away from life and numb the pain fight the feeling of feeling,
The flesh.. wants to be pleased and stimulated replacing the feelings for pleasure,
The flesh.. leaves me empty always wanting more, looking for that missing piece, that feeling that wants to be complete.
My spirit.. wants to be healed, fixing my brokenness that life caused,
My spirit.. wants to feel, letting go of things that’s not for me..
My spirit.. longs for peace, love, and wholeness, to be filled, not searching for things that leads me to destruction.
I know my time is coming, choosing rather it be my flesh or my spirit because being in the middle is only hurting me..

It’s either I’m in or I’m out.

#Flesh #Spirit or

Preferido o celebrado por...
Otras obras de Dime.. The Poet...
