

mirrors reflect beauty along with flaws
so why are you looking at the mirror in the dark?
prostituting your way through life
disguising your personality as if its legit
hypocritical of your own individual
knowing the feeling is mutual
sheltered by the filter you place on your own thoughts
being conceived and yet deceived by how black and white the world is
that in the long run plagues you for your self– destruct
giving yourself off easily instead of discreetly
teasing and pleasing your flesh and
exercising your ego
instead of letting go
rather spend your last days alone
when you can’t stand to be by yourself
throwing money at your subjects
knowing money buys you position but not intuition
empty and lost
falling and don’t know how to stop or be caught
On this rampage of doubt
Arguing and fighting with yourself
because you need help to keep the
Life you hold a lie
Disgusted with the sight of your face Entrusted with your Own existence knowing its fake
Drowning trying to stay afloat
To stay above of this image that you tote
Just to cover and coat what you don’t possess
And now you are left with your true reflection..... All this time trying,  fighting and prying to resist and change  imperfections of others, couldn’t see your own while standing in the mirror


