

To all my beautiful friends in my life now and who are waiting to enter in my future

Through touches of affection and generosity
Unique novels are published
With different stories that impact
With uncertainty we open and read
Seeking adventure and meaning
Friendships are like novels
They start slow, move to excitement
Can be disappointing or satisfying
A novel  full of friendships
are a quest full of hurdles and triumphs
Friendship is the jewel of peace
However like fire to wood
These relationships can turn to ashes
Of pain and regret
To know a friend is a great gift to all
To have a friend is a blessing itself
But in the end it’s our choice to keep
The novel going
To treasure the friendship or to let it scar
Friendship a series of novels never to end


This poem novel i wrote one time was in the middle of the night i have just gone through a hard decision to whether i should a continue a friendship with someone that was important to me in my life. The words "Novel" and "Friends" kept circling my mind that night i couldn't get to sleep. So i got up and grabbed a pen and notebook and started writing i went through 20 sheets of paper full of ripping and crossing and throwing until i finally thought this is it....

#Friends #Friendship #LifeLove #Novels

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