
it's over

I’m filled with hurt, anger, and hate
For you won’t be honest and my fears abate
You bring people between us then turn away
Leaving me cold while with her you lay
She hurts you; her words are meant to sting
But you keep going back for more like she’s a fucking queen
You chose her over everyone else and made your bed
Now you’re all alone while she fucks your heart and head
But you chose her over friends who really care
Friends who have your back and would never dare
Hurt you with words that were meant to sting
Just so she gets what she wants, fucking little queen
So when she’s telling you how she only wants you
And how she is coming to be close real soon
Remember you chose her to be in your life
So shut up and live with the hurt and the strife.
And if one day you realize what a fuck up you’ve made
Then maybe, just maybe you can persuade
Everyone you’ve abandoned for that piece of work
That you’re sorry and never again will be such a jerk
Not sure I can forgive you this time as before
You’ve hurt me so much and continue to ignore
The warnings I give you my third eye has seen
And for what…some little girl you treat like a queen


This poem was written to rid me of emotional shit I had pent up for three years.

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