
Only a friend

When I see your smile
It gives me so much hope,
I day dream about the day
When you and I are finally together,
Hopelessly in love
And bonded in Christ,
But this dream is cut short
By the reality that we can never be together,
You’ve never given me a chance,
You never look my way,
To you I’m just a friend,
You’ll never understand
How much you mean to me,
The love I have for you
Is greater than great,
I just want to be with you,
But this can never be my reality,
I’m trying really hard not to shed a tear over you
Because these tears are a constant reminder
That I can’t let you go,
But I can’t help it,
My heart will always be open for you,
Maybe one day you’ll take a look at me,
But I promise, you will search
For me in somebody else!
