

I wait and watch the hands on the clock as the time moves closer to me seeing you, the closer i am to holding your books as i walk with you as young children do,

It’s torture knowing you’re so close, but there’s that damn line. Teasing and taunting as i sit here wanting, to call you mine, to be yours. But you kiss someone else, you hold someone else, someone else who’s not me,

We are together so much but yet we aren’t really together, it so damn hard to have you near but be in two different worlds, in mine I’m holding an kissing you But in yours I’m just a buddy,

No one knows that behind locked doors and under covers, I dream of you. You loving me and showing me things that aren’t right for buddies to be doing. But I can’t take it. That part of me grows for you, fights for you, cries for you to water it,

My heart seems to beat and only beats fast for you, the touch of your skin. the thoughts of your lips to mine, you’re like a place that i thought i would never find,

But for now I keep that secret to myself. I’ll be your best friend, your shoulder, your support. But I’ll never be your lover, never to be yours,

I’ll never be yours to say i do to, but I’m still here for you because i know that I’ll always love you.


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