
Monday Motivation

I slowly sip coffee as the cool morning wind blows against my face.
My dreams fade to the background, the vision of a new day now in it’s place.
The soft sounds of the flute echo in my ears as nature sings.
The beauty widens the eyes, as I bask in the glow it brings.
I enjoy the feel of the wind, as I drive with the top down.
The skies open up as if to say hi and reverse the frowns.
The rhythmic sounds of nature cause me to raise my hands.
My hands sway as if to lead the music of nature’s band.
The sounds echo for what seems like miles.
The tired Monday drivers can’t holdback their smiles.
We all know what brings us joy and widens our eyes.
The key is to lift the spirits of a stranger and make them sigh.
For life I believe is truly what you make it.
The energy is all around we just need to hold on and never quit.
Many view Monday’s with their heads hung low.
I see the beginning of a new adventurous week and look forward to the show.


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