
Mountain Tranquility

The morning clouds blend into the northern peaks.
The waterfalls traverse through the trees to form creeks.
The snow capped mountains are a sight to see.
As an eagle with wings spread wide, soars free.
Your mind is alert from the cool morning air.
The fresh powdered trails lock your eyes in a stare.
The snow is soft as you glide on the skis.
You listen and watch as nature awakens as you slalom through the trees.
You come upon a slope and speed down with the wind blowing your hair.
You enjoy the rush as the snow drifts swirl, your mind at ease without a care.
You ski back to the cabin with joyous smile.
You legs now tired after all the miles.
You enter the shower with your head tilted back.
The warm water soothes your skin as you relax.
You then lay upon a bear skin rug next to the fire.
His strong hands massage and quench your desire.
You calmly close your eyes and relive the glorious day.
Your dreams come alive as your mind dances and plays.

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