
Waterfall Shower

The sun reflects off the water as you soak up the view.
The rapids flow in harmony as your mind begins anew.
Your eyes close as you smile taking in the scent and sounds.
You lean back on a fallen tree, breathing in a feeling profound.
Your ears alert, the sound of roaring water is in the distance.
Your mind is free your body relaxed, no longer tense.
You follow the sounds and feel the moisture in the air.
The roaring sound louder, the falls are breathtaking, motionless you stare.
The turquoise water beckons your call.
You dive from a rock, the stress, the problems, you release it all.
You plunge into the cool water as childhood memories dance.
O to be a child again for just one day if given the chance.
You take a moment to watch the falls and notice the flow to the side.
A  portion has been diverted into a shower, you smile with a sigh.
You climb just a bit and feel the water touch your skin.
You ease into the shower, the longing feeling now begins.
Your hair back as the water caresses your body creating a glow.
You breathe in nature and accept the soothing water as it flows.


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