

They say that “sometimes the people you wanted as part of your story are meant to be a chapter.”
What about in my head, because you are constantly there,
my head is like a kingdom and you rule over it but your rulings are not fair,
not fair to me. Once you were a chapter in my life and now you are the main character in my head,
can’t even talk about you in front of people because to them we are past that chapter,
if only they knew that I am a prisoner in my head. Do I want to be freed from the shackles  of you? yes but the masochist in me wants you to stay so I can get a glimpse of you, of what could’ve been and what happened.
Every time and every chance I get to forget you, you always creep your way back and haunt me.
At this point you are not just a chapter but a part of the story, written between the lines,
lines that I can only read.
In your story am I part of it like you are mine? or is just like the saying?
You are past that chapter, I’m no longer part of your story, I am not fleeting because
you just turned the page and forgot about me. In your head and your life I’m forgotten.
You didn’t have to start a new book, you just carried on, it’s like I had a cameo role in your book.

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