
Let go

Cloudy thoughts

Time is running away from you. As time progresses so does the world that I capture between my fingertips. My fingers run across the keyboard faster than the thought should ever be processed. But even if time slips away. I will never know what could have. Or should have happened. I’m here. But not the here as in the physical idea of existing. Im here as if I’ve been here before. It’s all connected. Collectively joining as one spirit. Inhaling the smokey dark glories of another womans fears. another womans weaknesses. Another womans destiny. Namesake. Of two seperate souls. Undefined. Yet predestined. Glorified by the shallow strengths. Persecuted by the larger weaknesses. Torn from within by the mysteriousness of existence. Freedom from the caged birds perspective. Yelling, screaming, hiding in her superior will. Ask for more. Beg for more. Sin for more. Disappear in the crowd of Miseducated lost fucks. Give one. Get one. Don’t care. Smile because you have it all but want more. Because  you can  never have what they have. simplest form of jealous hidden between the sticky sheets of a temporary lover. Fuck once. Fuck twice. Give one. Get one. Speak because staying quiet is fear. I’m here.

This was written without a five minute span. Nothing too fancied up. Just need to get things out of my head. Any feedback is appreciated.
