

My beautiful child

(Verse 1)
Elodie, my precious child so fair,
Your beauty shines beyond compare.
Your laughter fills my heart with cheer,
And your love paints my world so clear.
Oh, Elodie, mi niña hermosa,
My heart’s delight, my precious rose.
Your gentle touch, your tender kiss,
Brings me pure bliss, I can’t resist.
(Verse 2)
Your eyes reflect the summer sky,
With sparkles dancing, catching my eye.
Your skin as soft as petals bloom,
A fragrant flower in my living room.
Oh, Elodie, mi niña hermosa,
My heart’s delight, my precious rose.
Your gentle touch, your tender kiss,
Brings me pure bliss, I can’t resist.
Through life’s adventures, I’ll be by your side,
To guide and protect you, my darling guide.
Your dreams will soar, your spirit will ignite,
As you blossom into a woman of light.
Oh, Elodie, mi niña hermosa,
My heart’s delight, my precious rose.
Your gentle touch, your tender kiss,
Brings me pure bliss, I can’t resist.
In every beat of my heart, you’ll find,
A love unyielding, forever entwined.
Elodie mi niña hermosa,
My precious child, my love eternal, most precious.

# #Alegria Colores Musica Fantasia

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