#AmericanWriters #FemaleWriters #PoemsOfPower
Use all your hidden forces. Do not miss the purpose of this li… and do not wait for circumstance to mold or change your fate. In your own self lies destiny.
When the first sere leaves of the… I heard, with a heart that was str… Out of the grave of a dead Past c… A voice I fancied forever stilled… All through winter and spring and…
Came a bouquet from the city, Fragrant, rich and debonair - Sweet carnation and geraniium, Heliotrope and roses rare. Down beside the crystal river,
Do you want to peep into Bedlam T… Then come with me, when the day sw… Into the cradle, whose rockers rim… Some people call the horizon dim. All the mischief of all the fates
Life is a privilege. Its youthful… Shine with the radiance of continu… To live, to breathe, to wonder and… To feed with dreams the heart’s pe… To thrill with virtuous passions,…
Now is the time when India is gay With wedding parties; and the radi… Seem like a scattered rainbow taki… In human pleasures. Dressed in br… They fling upon the bride their wr…
Straight through my heart this fac… By Truth’s own hand is driven: God never takes one thing away, But something else is given. I did not know in earlier years,
The father sits in his lonely room… Outside sings a little bird. But the shadows are laden with dea… And the song is all unheard. The father’s heart is the home of…
All through the night time, and al… Dreading the morning and dreading… Nearer and nearer we drift to the… Season of beauty and season of bli… Leaves on the linden, and sun on t…
Dost thou not tire, Isaura, of th… ‘What play?’ Why, this old play o… Nay, now, lift not thine eyes in t… ’Tis all in vain—I know thee and… Let us be frank, Isaura. I have m…
O man, with your wonderful dower, O woman, with genius and grace, You can teach the whole world with… If you are but worthy the place. The stage is a force and a factor
The world was widowed by the death… Vainly its suffering soul for peac… And found it not. For nothing, nothing, nothing has… To bring back comfort to the stric…
Across the miles that stretch betw… Through days of gloom or glad sunl… There shines a face I have not se… Which yet doth make my world more… He may be near, he may be far,
I have been across the bridges of… Wet with tears Were the ties on which I trod, go… Down the track To the valley where I left, 'neat…
I care not who were vicious back o… No shadow of their sins on me is s… My will is greater than heredity. I am no worm to feed upon the dead… My face, my form, my gestures and…