

I feel abandoned,
Left behind;
I know its my own fault
Yet I cry day and night
Special routines trying to be better for you and me,
But nothing changes;
Im still the same I finally understand when they say–
“A strenger stared back in the mirror” yet with the hinch that the stranger lives in my mind
I guess im the one who abandoned me, left me behind
Thought it would be easier to hate than to cry,
But all I feel now is the numbness fading;
The need to scream the need to be me
So im sorry I have abandoned you, left you behind;
You are the path I must find;
I will make peace with you but first I must make peace with the war that goes on in my mind;
We will be together again you and I,
So dont feel abandoned and left behind;
You can cry my child, come to me and cry,
Just promise you wont ask why.
Other works by Emelie Alvarez...
