590 Did you ever stand in a Cavern’s… Widths out of the Sun— And look—and shudder, and block yo… And deem to be alone
XII I CANNOT live with you, It would be life, And life is over there Behind the shelf
877 Each Scar I’ll keep for Him Instead I’ll say of Gem In His long Absence worn A Costlier one
She sweeps with many-colored broom… And leaves the shreds behind; Oh, housewife in the evening west, Come back, and dust the pond! You dropped a purple ravelling in,
997 Crumbling is not an instant’s Act A fundamental pause Dilapidation’s processes Are organized Decays.
I started Early– Took my Dog – And visited the Sea - The Mermaids in the Basement Came out to look at me - And Frigates - in the Upper Floo…
LV I envy seas whereon he rides, I envy spokes of wheels Of chariots that him convey, I envy speechless hills
LXXXVI A LADY red upon the hill Her annual secret keeps; A lady white within the field In placid lily sleeps!
57 To venerate the simple days Which lead the seasons by, Needs but to remember That from you or I,
‘Heavenly Father’ - take to thee The supreme iniquity Fashioned by thy candid Hand In a moment contraband - Though to trust us - seems to us
679 Conscious am I in my Chamber, Of a shapeless friend— He doth not attest by Posture— Nor Confirm—by Word—
339 I tend my flowers for thee— Bright Absentee! My Fuchsia’s Coral Seams Rip—while the Sower—dreams—
437 Prayer is the little implement Through which Men reach Where Presence—is denied them. They fling their Speech
THE BAT is dun with wrinkled wi… Like fallow article, And not a song pervades his lips, Or none perceptible. His small umbrella, quaintly halve…
987 The Leaves like Women interchange Exclusive Confidence— Somewhat of nods and somewhat Portentous inference.