#Americans #Women #XIXCentury #AmericanWriters
786 Severer Service of myself I—hastened to demand To fill the awful Vacuum Your life had left behind—
The dying need but little, dear,— A glass of water’s all, A flower’s unobtrusive face To punctuate the wall, A fan, perhaps, a friend’s regret,
Safe in their alabaster chambers, Untouched by morning and untouched… Sleep the meek members of the resu… Rafter of satin, and roof of stone… Light laughs the breeze in her cas…
’Twas such a little—little boat That toddled down the bay! ’Twas such a gallant—gallant sea That beckoned it away! ’Twas such a greedy, greedy wave
264 A Weight with Needles on the poun… To push, and pierce, besides— That if the Flesh resist the Heft… The puncture—coolly tries—
Years I had been from home, And now, before the door I dared not open, lest a face I never saw before Stare vacant into mine
XX ARCTURUS is his other name,— I ’d rather call him star! It ’s so unkind of science To go and interfere!
189 It’s such a little thing to weep— So short a thing to sigh— And yet—by Trades—the size of the… We men and women die!
673 The Love a Life can show Below Is but a filament, I know, Of that diviner thing That faints upon the face of Noon…
‘They have not chosen me,’ he said… ‘But I have chosen them!’ Brave’—Broken hearted statement’— Uttered in Bethlehem! I could not have told it,
876 It was a Grave, yet bore no Stone Enclosed ’twas not of Rail A Consciousness its Acre, and It held a Human Soul.
828 The Robin is the One That interrupt the Morn With hurried—few—express Reports When March is scarcely on—
34 Garland for Queens, may be— Laurels—for rare degree Of soul or sword. Ah—but remembering me—
Good night! which put the candle o… A jealous zephyr, not a doubt. Ah! friend, you little knew How long at that celestial wick The angels labored diligent;
345 Funny—to be a Century— And see the People—going by— I—should die of the Oddity— But then—I’m not so staid—as He—