#AmericanWriters #FemaleWriters #XIXCentury
836 Truth—is as old as God— His Twin identity And will endure as long as He A Co-Eternity—
38 By such and such an offering To Mr. So and So, The web of live woven— So martyrs albums show!
983 Ideals are the Fairly Oil With which we help the Wheel But when the Vital Axle turns The Eye rejects the Oil.
715 The World—feels Dusty When We stop to Die— We want the Dew—then— Honors—taste dry—
Of all the souls that stand create I have elected one. When sense from spirit files away, And subterfuge is done; When that which is and that which…
8 There is a word Which bears a sword Can pierce an armed man— It hurls its barbed syllables
I watched the Moon around the Hou… Until upon a Pane— She stopped—a Traveller’s privile… And there upon I gazed—as at a stranger—
The Devil—had he fidelity Would be the best friend— Because he has ability— But Devils cannot mend— Perfidy is the virtue
627 The Tint I cannot take—is best— The Color too remote That I could show it in Bazaar— A Guinea at a sight—
89 Some things that fly there be— Birds—Hours—the Bumblebee— Of these no Elegy. Some things that stay there be—
673 The Love a Life can show Below Is but a filament, I know, Of that diviner thing That faints upon the face of Noon…
637 The Child’s faith is new— Whole—like His Principle— Wide—like the Sunrise On fresh Eyes—
600 It troubled me as once I was— For I was once a Child— Concluding how an Atom—fell— And yet the Heavens—held—
841 A Moth the hue of this Haunts Candles in Brazil. Nature’s Experience would make Our Reddest Second pale.
Heart, we will forget him, You and I, tonight! You must forget the warmth he gave… I will forget the light. When you have done pray tell me,