322 There came a Day at Summer’s full… Entirely for me— I thought that such were for the… Where Resurrections—be—
582 Inconceivably solemn! Things go gay Pierce—by the very Press Of Imagery—
667 Bloom upon the Mountain’—stated’— Blameless of a Name’— Efflorescence of a Sunset’— Reproduced’—the same’—
974 The Soul’s distinct connection With immortality Is best disclosed by Danger Or quick Calamity—
25 She slept beneath a tree— Remembered but by me. I touched her Cradle mute— She recognized the foot—
The only ghost I ever saw Was dressed in mechlin,—so; He wore no sandal on his foot, And stepped like flakes of snow. His gait was soundless, like the b…
306 The Soul’s Superior instants Occur to Her—alone— When friend—and Earth’s occasion Have infinite withdrawn—
267 Did we disobey Him? Just one time! Charged us to forget Him— But we couldn’t learn!
671 She dwelleth in the Ground— Where Daffodils—abide— Her Maker—Her Metropolis— The Universe—Her Maid—
Witchcraft has not a Pedigree ’Tis early as our Breath And mourners meet it going out The moment of our death—
331 While Asters— On the Hill— Their Everlasting fashions—set— And Covenant Gentians—Frill!
802 Time feels so vast that were it no… For an Eternity— I fear me this Circumference Engross my Finity—
183 I’ve heard an Organ talk, sometim… In a Cathedral Aisle, And understood no word it said— Yet held my breath, the while—
LX The grass so little has to do,— A sphere of simple green, With only butterflies to brood, And bees to entertain,
XLI THE soul unto itself Is an imperial friend,— Or the most agonizing spy An enemy could send.