Rearrange a “Wife’s” Affection! When they dislocate my Brain! Amputate my freckled Bosom! Make me bearded like a man! Blush, my spirit, in thy Fastness…
824 [first version] The Wind begun to knead the Grass… As Women do a Dough— He flung a Hand full at the Plain…
257 Delight is as the flight— Or in the Ratio of it, As the Schools would say— The Rainbow’s way—
460 I know where Wells grow’—Droughtl… Deep dug’—for Summer days’— Where Mosses go no more away’— And Pebble’—safely plays’—
XIII THE soul selects her own society, Then shuts the door; On her divine majority Obtrude no more.
LXIII TALK with prudence to a beggar Of “Potosi” and the mines! Reverently to the hungry Of your viands and your wines!
626 Only God—detect the Sorrow— Only God— The Jehovahs—are no Babblers— Unto God—
There is another Loneliness That many die without - Not want of friend occasions it Or circumstances of Lot But nature, sometimes, sometimes t…
178 I cautious, scanned my little life… I winnowed what would fade From what would last till Heads l… Should be a-dreaming laid.
LXI EACH life converges to some cent… Expressed or still; Exists in every human nature A goal,
13 Sleep is supposed to be By souls of sanity The shutting of the eye. Sleep is the station grand
87 A darting fear—a pomp—a tear— A waking on a morn To find that what one waked for, Inhales the different dawn.
XVIII READ, sweet, how others strove, Till we are stouter; What they renounced, Till we are less afraid;
I dwell in Possibility – A fairer House than Prose – More numerous of Windows – Superior – for Doors – Of Chambers as the Cedars –
242 When we stand on the tops of Thin… And like the Trees, look down— The smoke all cleared away from it… And Mirrors on the scene—