I bet with every Wind that blew Till Nature in chagrin Employed a Fact to visit me And scuttle my Balloon -
78 A poor—torn heart—a tattered heart… That sat it down to rest— Nor noticed that the Ebbing Day Flowed silver to the West—
606 The Trees like Tassels—hit—and sw… There seemed to rise a Tune From Miniature Creatures Accompanying the Sun—
394 ’Twas Love’—not me’— Oh punish’—pray’— The Real one died for Thee’— Just Him’—not me’—
882 A Shade upon the mind there passe… As when on Noon A Cloud the mighty Sun encloses Remembering
571 Must be a Woe— A loss or so— To bend the eye Best Beauty’s way—
850 I sing to use the Waiting My Bonnet but to tie And shut the Door unto my House No more to do have I
623 It was too late for Man— But early, yet, for God— Creation—impotent to help— But Prayer—remained—Our Side—
763 He told a homely tale And spotted it with tears— Upon his infant face was set The Cicatrice of years—
To die—takes just a little while— They say it doesn't hurt— It's only fainter—by degrees— And then—it's out of sight— A darker Ribbon—for a Day—
82 Whose cheek is this? What rosy face Has lost a blush today? I found her—"pleiad"—in the woods
466 ’Tis little I—could care for Pear… Who own the ample sea— Or Brooches—when the Emperor— With Rubies—pelteth me—
961 Wert Thou but ill—that I might sh… How long a Day I could endure Though thine attention stop not on… Nor the least signal, Me assure—
693 Shells from the Coast mistaking— I cherished them for All— Happening in After Ages To entertain a Pearl—
846 Twice had Summer her fair Verdure Proffered to the Plain— Twice a Winter’s silver Fracture On the Rivers been—