460 I know where Wells grow’—Droughtl… Deep dug’—for Summer days’— Where Mosses go no more away’— And Pebble’—safely plays’—
XXX WE play at paste, Till qualified for pearl, Then drop the paste, And deem ourself a fool.
548 Death is potential to that Man Who dies—and to his friend— Beyond that—unconspicuous To Anyone but God—
You said that I “was Great”'—one… Then “Great” it be’—if that pleas… Or Small’—or any size at all’— Nay’—I’m the size suit Thee’— Tall’—like the Stag’—would that?
870 Finding is the first Act The second, loss, Third, Expedition for The “Golden Fleece”
564 My period had come for Prayer— No other Art—would do— My Tactics missed a rudiment— Creator—Was it you?
So proud she was to die It made us all ashamed That what we cherished, so unknown To her desire seemed. So satisfied to go
321 Of all the Sounds despatched abro… There’s not a Charge to me Like that old measure in the Boug… That phraseless Melody—
128 Bring me the sunset in a cup, Reckon the morning’s flagons up And say how many Dew, Tell me how far the morning leaps—
651 So much Summer Me for showing Illegitimate— Would a Smile’s minute bestowing
A House upon the Height— That Wagon never reached— No Dead, were ever carried down— No Peddler’s Cart—approached— Whose Chimney never smoked—
396 There is a Languor of the Life More imminent than Pain— ’Tis Pain’s Successor—When the S… Has suffered all it can—
885 Our little Kinsmen’—after Rain In plenty may be seen, A Pink and Pulpy multitude The tepid Ground upon.
594 The Battle fought between the Sou… And No Man—is the One Of all the Battles prevalent— By far the Greater One—
Her final summer was it, And yet we guessed it not; If tenderer industriousness Pervaded her, we thought A further force of life