#Americans #Women #XIXCentury
863 That Distance was between Us That is not of Mile or Main— The Will it is that situates— Equator—never can—
LV MY country need not change her go… Her triple suit as sweet As when ’t was cut at Lexington, And first pronounced “a fit.”
276 Many a phrase has the English lan… I have heard but one— Low as the laughter of the Cricke… Loud, as the Thunder’s Tongue—
My Life had stood—a Loaded Gun— In Corners—till a Day The Owner passed—identified— And carried Me away— And now We roam in Sovereign Woo…
404 How many Flowers fail in Wood— Or perish from the Hill— Without the privilege to know That they are Beautiful—
182 If I shouldn’t be alive When the Robins come, Give the one in Red Cravat, A Memorial crumb.
40 When I count the seeds That are sown beneath, To bloom so, bye and bye— When I con the people
103 I have a King, who does not speak… So—wondering—thro’ the hours meek I trudge the day away— Half glad when it is night, and sl…
849 The good Will of a Flower The Man who would possess Must first present Certificate
437 Prayer is the little implement Through which Men reach Where Presence—is denied them. They fling their Speech
914 I cannot be ashamed Because I cannot see The love you offer— Magnitude
My Garden—like the Beach— Denotes there be—a Sea— That’s Summer— Such as These—the Pearls She fetches—such as Me
689 The Zeroes—taught us—Phosphorous— We learned to like the Fire By playing Glaciers—when a Boy— And Tinder—guessed—by power
639 My Portion is Defeat—today— A paler luck than Victory— Less Paeans—fewer Bells— The Drums don’t follow Me—with tu…
388 Take your Heaven further on— This—to Heaven divine Has gone— Had You earlier blundered in Possibly, e’en You had seen