

I love you with all my soul.
Believe me, I do.
And nothing makes me happier
Than seeing a smile on you.
Though lately, I don’t know what to say.
Nothing seems to be right.
And my feelings right now
Are what I’m trying to fight.
Half of my body tells me things are right
While the other half screams things are wrong.
I don’t know which part to agree with,
But I know my words aren’t a song.
My words may be pathetic,
And you may think me strange.
But all the words here,
Shall not be rearranged.
My emotions are all jumbled.
Rounding them up is what I try to do.
But instead they all get blown away,
Into the sky of dark blue.
Before anything happened,
You were the only one I wanted in my life.
But now that we’re together,
Everything seems like in my hand I hold a knife.
The knife keeps edging toward me,
But I keep pushing it back.
The only problem is,
I keep cutting it slack.
My emotions are running.
Running away from me, they are.
My only problem is
That they can never get far.
My mind has little lassos
Tied around their feet.
And whenever they get too far,
They’re pulled back to me and they meet.
I love being in this relationship,
And I love being with you.
But my mind is so messed up
That I don’t know what to do.
I feel all weird and confused,
You’re the one who did this to me.
All I want right now,
Truly, is for you to see.
I want you to see how things are.
Not how you want them to be.
I’ve tried to make it all perfect,
But my heart has shut up and thrown away the key.
My eyes can cry for hours.
My heart can weep for days.
My soul can run for months,
But my mind has stopped in all ways.

Other works by Emma Nyxia...
