
Upwards falling failing win

The subtitles throw me off okay

A time underer a black sunset
You saw yellows and blue
All I saw was an Erie feeling
And a sepia toned sky; a questionable you.
An arm around a neck
An ambulance and a dead friend
My knowing i needed out
Realize I built this cage around myself, a judgment declared by the last poem I wrote.
And despite all that happened it gave me a reason to blow you away like dirty smoke.
A lie a kiss an obligation
A paper wall apartment and a desk a Playstation
A broken glass six broken nails
Am ultimatum
Do you wanna go back to that room
A hand over a mouth pulled hair
Me screaming
But Amanda wasn’t there
Crawling through a window
Guilty hands around my waist
If you repeat the past a dozen times it leads to this
Horror movie
Thought I was in a dream
I said I couldn’t breathe
One hand laid across my nose
Another across my mouth
Never thought I’d be in such danger, I did often ponder though,  if I were
Would I try to escape?
Would the fear kill me before the person?
Now I know the answer
You’re the disease and I can’t catch your cancer
I ran at least several times
The next morning, I cleaned up the blood from your hand off the floor, shut the rooms of what I didn’t wanna see anymore
I went to a water fall and nearly fell asleep
Regrettably looking through deleted videos of what you did to me
Monster, I was wincing to my screams
I’ll wait for god  damn ever before I ever settle
I thank you though.
For that abuse
I was too sweet. You brought a strength in me no one can undo. Now you’re the trapped coward
I’m the set free
I’ll trust again; not growing weak
Just learning there’s no other half of me
I’m fucking whole
My mistake was letting someone else put their hands on my wheel
I’ll love again when I can feel.
Right now (you think I am going to say I’ll grieve; no..)
Right now I’m gonna climb a tall tree with my daughter.
I’m putting my dry soul back in the water.
I’m learning my epiphanies were repetition.
I grew too tall to need redemption
Learned too much to lean towards attention.
Use to say don’t hurt me
Now it’s like I dare you.
But there is no you–
It doesn’t hurt at all either
It’s a low fever
I don’t even need an advil
Life’s a cliff– beautiful or death; idk how do you see it? I don’t care if you lay in your stagnant stand still
We just grow no one wins
I guess this cliff leads to next chapter,
Goodbye-I’ve jumped in.
The waters beautiful
The air is sweet.
All this time I can’t believe
I was so afraid of this world beneath my feet.

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