

(A Found Poem)

we traveled afar to find atlantis
but rivers changed course
the language turned heatly about and started to move the other way
and You became the water
the only promise You ever made
and You led us upstream
against the current
against the storm
        we sit holding our helmets like rain-polished skulls
              the world throbs and inflates behind the opening
                   are we there yet?
we asked You a question
and You knew the answer
but your response was nothing
because the person in question was yourself
and on that You were the greatest living authority
but You didn’t raise your hand
what trophies drift downriver
why do You only ever travel towards your own safety
      i’d rather learn from one bird how to sing
            than teach 10,000 stars how not to dance
                 why did You keep me waiting?
sadness in such luxury uneaten

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Otras obras de Lillith Grains ...
