

Darkness is spreading inside me,
I guess that’s why I’m depressed.
It’s something that has kept me down,
And that I don’t want to express.
When you lose someone close,
That pain is just hard to bare.
The pain you’ll either try to hide,
Or try to talk to someone who cares.
I can’t believe that happened to him,
In a instance, he went away.
I wish I could’ve done something,
That way he’d be here today.
Unfortunately this is reality.
he’s not here anymore, he’s gone to another home.
This pain and depression is hard to take.
I just need to be alone.
Darkness, Darkness is spreading.


This was something I made in memory of my Grand dad who died of Kidney Failure. I had a bit of a struggle with his loss back in 2011. Got over it in 2012, but still he's missed.

#Death #Depression #Passing

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