
Marriage is an Endless War

Marriage, a temporary blindsided happy moment followed by the declaration of war.
They say if your marriage is not a war you are either blindsided and not experiencing it yet.
Or a lucky person, but the odds of being lucky is a rarity, slim to none.
When the vows and I dos are set and done. The war has just begun.
You heard marriages from lots of people and you being naive said it won’t be the same.
But then you witness it yourself in 1st person and now you know the same pain.
It is war between a husband and wife. like a curse or a spell,
and you know what they say about war. War is hell.
They tell you to go through counseling. Believe me it’s a waste of money.
Things only change for the worse, and ain’t a damn thing funny.
The war is 24/7, even while you sleep.
Nothing but disagreements and arguments with no peace to keep.
Sometimes you’d wish that the war would end.
But you file a divorce as a truce, then a hellacious battle begins.
That battle’s done, you lose it all and you paying her alimony.
Your somewhere else broke as a joke, while she’s laughing at you on her pony (high horse)
So believe the stories you hear from the people that do tell,
And they will tell you without a doubt, marriage is hell.
An endless war that ruined lives


This poem actually tags into the bad sides of marriages that turns from good to bad and worse. Married to divorce.

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