
Break your heart

to: JDB

Remember when we started it
the truce we signed our hearts with
with love and passion intensely flaming
I wanna break your heart
You trusted me so much
but i trusted you with all of me
then we went our separate ways
I wanna break your heart
For two years we remained
No connection to bind us together
then i saw you with her
I wanna break your heart
Happy, contented and forgetful that’s you
Shock, betrayed and broken that’s me
What happened to the truce  
we signed our hearts with
What happened to the two years we endured
to keep our promise
to achieve our own goals
and return home safely to each other’s arms
What happened to the trust
that we wasted...
That all that time we shared
I guess i was miss taken
I am the only one
that feels this way
Why? Why did i let this happen?
I am so idiotic to think this will work
Now i can’t feel anything
I shut my self down from the world
I tried my best to hide it
but now i’m just numb
Then you come back
and reclaim my heart
that was laid down exclusively for you
for three years
but you never dared to claim it
now you have her
and you want me too
just look how selfish you really are
but NO,  i am not falling for that
you want me back but
too afraid to hurt her
then you don’t want be back
Because if you really do
you’d break up with her
and choose me instead
but no you just want a new girlfriend
So that’s pretty much it
truth is I really wanna break your heart
you better what your back, JUSTIN
Coz’ this girl’s all about revenge


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