
"Down The Rabbit Hole"

“Down the rabbit hole you shall go”
“Which path you choose”, “nobody knows”,
“Be happy with what ya got”,
“Life is short, Death is not”,
“We will only be here a short while”,
“I assure you”, with that being, said,
“Look at the path before you”, Did you not struggle,
Love, Cheat, and Lie, or Fear for that matter,
“I promise you, we’ve all climbed that latter,
”Wore that T-shirt, Been there done that",
“Took it off and then put it right back on,
Just like a hat”, whats that you say,
“Whats the point of this poem??, ”I guarantee you,
“I haven’t the slightest clue, we all take bets at life,
its our greatest gamble, this is just a game to some,
and Death will surely come, when it does, do not be afraid,
in the end, it always wins, so hop, dive, or jump right in,
remember this, ”it doesn’t matter how quickly you ran the race or
played the game, but at which the manner, you stayed the pace, after all,
“ We all must play, in the end, Death will surely remain,”but, foremost,
“Look at like this”, “Your just a Rabbit with nowhere to go,
so take a chance, gamble a little, and jump in the hole, It is but, another hole,”
“This is what they say,”You will see and learn,"
“Death eventually, comes to stay” So,
“Don’t be afraid, jump in your hole”,
“Where life takes you, only God will know”


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