
Brown Eyed Lies And White Secrets

I ran away from my heart today,

Because I didn’t know how to tell it,
That you gone, you’re never coming back,
I was a fool. I let you slip away, allow you to fornicate with my broken mind,
And you impregnated it with a feint idea of being together forever,
You mistook my kindness for weakness, brought me to my knees,
But my strong will wouldn’t give in,

Every night I’d close my eyes and looked up to the stars, whispering silent prays of hope,

Holding onto a sliver of chance, minute maybes and hopeful if only’s

Somewhere deep within I believed that we could make it through the nigh’

Maybe wait out the storm, stay here, be together,

I hoped that somewhere in a parallel universe, you and I were dancing in the rain,

But that wishful thinking was shuttered the moment you uttered the words: “Friends”


My feelings for romance weren’t put to rest; they rustled inside me like a burgundy shrub,

Every time I’d see your face and those smiling brown eyes,
But your sentiments of me were already set in stone.
The more I tried denying it, the more your words rang clear,
You weren’t interested,
Never were.


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