

The ending and start of something good

Asphalt crunched under his foot
He ran, the air rushed through his nostril
The air tasted sweet. He felt alive. His soul fire was beating bright through his chest
Euphoria broke his line of thinking. He was finally free.
The adrenaline rush made the world look so bright
What a pulchritudinous sight. The fences loomed up ahead like shadow puppets of fear
He leaped over them, the meager ounce of strength he had left
Coursed through his dried out veins, his footfalls echoing in synch to his pounding heart
There in the distance he sees his only ray of hope
Amidst the abandoned streets and sleet covered road, a car with an open door.
He set off, one foot after the other.
Each breath spelling a cloud of desperation
Almost there his conscience cried. Just a little bit further.
This was it he knew it, I have finally made it.
He climbed into the car. Gunned the engine and set off.
The evergreen landscape rushed past.
They all represent nothing other than blurred, incomprehensible, shapes and lines.
He crashed through the final obstacle in his way.
Made it he exhaled. A sense of release enveloped him.
A split second too late, call it too self absorbed with the inner conflict, the life drained from his face.
The deer dashed out of the woods. He froze.
The break pedal, didn’t want to respond.
He collided with the thin black sheet of glass.
His life flashed before his eyes, the thin black sheet of glass a perfect comparison to the torrent of spilling memories
He blacked out, soon after he heard the sirens of rescue
He remembered the last words that brushed his mind.
I’m free. I’m free. I am finally free.


In life we find ourselves running from many ghost and shadows, it takes a lot of strength and will power to restrain them and counter them. But the moment will come , when you can decide if you gonna be a door mat or if you going to stand up for yourself. Accepting your strengths and weaknesses brings out the best in you, no matter how dark your past behind you might be.


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