
Future Only Knows

I’m losing control, seems to me like I’ve lost my mind.
Allow me to explain since you’ve been my thoughts now for quite some time.
Almost seems as if my brain was stalking you.
But i’ll stop at that, don’t want to end up another man you don’t like talking too.
Because baby, maybe I’ve already seen our future.
Crystal ball shows a life of love and humor.
Connected by disconnections like figuring out which kid is cuter.
Deciding who will be popular and who will be the loser.
Dedicating time to figure out each others’ interests.
Excited to find out we both love social medias but don’t get the point of Pinterest.
Even when obstacles come across, we’ll find a way.
Fighting the urge to kill each other each and every day.
Fortunate enough we’ll still love each others’ company.
Get a couple good laughs knowing at one point we were nobodies.
Gasping for air to say our last goodbye.
Helplessly staring as we watch each other die.
Hoping this will still last forever in the after life.
I guess it’s a perfect time to say it was all a lie.
I haven’t seen the future at all, I only know that the present is a gift.
Just a gift of any little thing not one person is promised.
Just simply a gift I’d share with you.

Other works by Gerarrio...
