
The Story

Beaten down, the girl finally gets to walking
She finally had enough, so she let her tears do the talking
Sad and enraged at the thought of losing her
He chased her out the door and apologized for using her
From the bottom of his heart, he really meant it
Losing her was a mistake, he resents it
Now every night he goes to the bar to drown his sorrows
Isnt content, no matter how much money from his family he borrows
Not knowing what to do or how to get inspired
The man collapses due to the fact that his legs, heart, and back were tired
Its done, he literally thinks life is over
He lost the love of his life, feels depressed, and is never sober
The man exhausted, body aching, slowly starts to rise on his own
Putting pressure little by little on every single one of his aching bones
Its now or never.
That same night the man bought a one way ticket to Mexico, where his lover had went
Every ounce of his money on that ticket he spent
Remembering everything wrong that had happened that night
But his heart, telling him that what he was doing was right
He searched and he searched for so long
Never anticipated for something to go wrong
He would search forever and ever no matter how many years it would take
And even though it seemed an eternity, the man would never break.
One year had passed by
When he saw her pass by
The man, not knowing it was her at that time
Aprroached the love of his life.
With a sudden glance and a glare
Both the lovers were so quick to take a stare
They kept looking back at what they had shared
Knowing every single feeling in their body was still there
The man quickly ran to her, fell to his knees, and asked her to forgive him for every mistake he had made
Though it was not her intention to cry, every single memory had gone back to the day she was badly played
The man knowing he did not want to lose her again
Poured out every ounce of water from his eyes he had left.
Wise words were spoken that day, but i didnt want to bother
I left it at that, for infact, i was glad to call that man “Father”
Thats right, now theres something i am willing to bet
$1,000 says that you would have never predicted that this is the story on how my parents met.

Other works by Gerarrio...
