
Orange Throne


ORANGE THRONE (marriage)
She is the bird flying to the orange throne,
as she searches for my hearts desire
She selects the many stars that are glorious,
splendid like castles that transform her horizons.
I am the bird of the summertime and of the cerulean sky.
flying into a wondrous kingdom.
My mystic wings of golden speculative flight,
carry me thoughtfully to incredible insight.
My love is the pageant of her transformation,
as  she creates her works from  ancient splendours,
of Etruscan marvels making sense before
Punic wars on canvas are restored.
She is my flower of Paradise and I love; so to be loved.
No 'prince of Renaissance’ could have loved as I,
Nor Medici could weald powers to forbid,
the vine of my mind - or the wine in my blood!
She will meet me in the summertime and embrace the orange throne,
Inhibition free, she will drink from my vintage wine,
Arrange her flowers, as yet unknown,
A golden promise for eternal time.

We were to be married and this was written in anticipation of her journey from Milan to my place in the UK. over 20 years ago.
The third stanza is a reference to her paintings that often depicted
a metamorphosis of the old and of the new. She relied heavily on the architecture and History of Italy.
Fleur Beverley died from breast cancer in 2008 and was one of the top artist's in Milan
We never did marry and I remained single.

Other works by Gilson Chapple...
