
Tough Love

You say you love but it isn’t so.
You say you know but it isn’t so.
What you love and what you know,
Are what you know and that you love.
Love stagnant is thought, not life.
Life stagnant is death, gone dead.
Worms and maggots love that fodder
Silage, for the brain but not the other.
Love is a person; Love is life, truth,
Left to self alone Love dies as life;
Together, Love Life Spirit, spirate
Spirit Water Blood together, create.
Love is transcendent, can’t be blocked.
Love is intended unconditionally by Him.
Blockage is sin, alluded to or actual —so,
To love because of something, is to Like!

Author Notes

Love for this or love for that is not true unconditional love and when what first attracted changes, off for other distant lands does the roamer roam, and perhaps never returns home again. I completed the poem. September 22, 2013

#Blood #By #Death #GiovanniLife #Love #MariaPoetrySpirateSpirit #Tommaso #Tough #Truth #Water

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