

Blood is quite a gruesome thing, but yet enchanting in its own horrific way. But for some reason still pleasing. The deep ruby pools of the slick materia are glistening in the flamed fire light from the corners fireplace. I try to sit up, but i moan in response. The rough irritated skin from my gash burns and sends a new wave of that glistening substance of blood. I hear a chuckle and scan to the left, the sound of that bone-chilling laugh, but i not see a thing. I only see the lit end of a cigar, and that grayish white smoke that leaves the end. I scan to the right and catch the shimmer of the blade that gutted my thigh laying in wait for another strike at my succulent flesh. “Welcome to my humbly abode.” I hear a dark, rich enchanting voice echo throughout the room.


This is a story piece and not a poem. Sorry that it is not a poem, but i just wanted to share this.

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